A fracture is also known as a broken bone. There are many reasons behind broken bones the main of them being trauma, overuse of the drug, and some kind of diseases that specifically weakens the bones inside the body. In the case of trauma fractures mainly happen because of big accidents, different types of injuries, and falls from height.

Different Types of Fractures

There are many types of fractures that include:-

• Avulsion fracture

when a ligament or a muscle pulls on the bone then it is known as an avulsion fracture.

• Comminuted fracture

the big impact of stress shatters the bone into multiple pieces.

• Fracture dislocation

This comprises of breaking of bone of the joint fractures that included dislocation of the joint as well.

• Greenstick fracture

The bone partly cracks on one flank but does not shatter completely, because the rest of the bone can lean and bend in all directions.

• Hairline fracture

It is a delicate partial fracture inside the bone.

• Impacted fracture

When a piece of fractured bone impacted other nearby bones then it is known as an impacted fracture.

• Intra-articular fracture

The fracture appears when it expands to the appearance of the joint.

• Longitudinal fracture

When the fracture expands along with the size of the bone then it is known as longitudinal fracture.

• Stress fracture

This is most common among athletes and players as it is caused by repeated stress on a single area which also suffers a fracture in the past.

• Spiral fracture

It appears when one bone twists by the impact of stress.

•  Transverse fracture

When there is a straight crack across the bone or bones then it is a transverse fracture.

• Pathological fracture

When any chronic body condition depletes the bone tissue it causes pathological fracture.

• Oblique fracture

When the fracture occurs opposite to a bone’s length axis then it is known as oblique fracture.

Causes of Fracture

Different types of fractures have different types of causes. Healthy bones are incredibly resilient and can resist much more powerful crashes than we think. However, still under enough pressure, they may break or crack.
Physical trauma such as falls, accidents, drug overuse, and many health ailments that weaken the bones, such as arthritis, and osteoporosis, are the overseeing causes of bone fractures. Other facets can also stimulate an individual’s danger of upholding
Another factor is an individual age, the likelihood of their acquiring a state that depletes the bones over time and may lead to higher chances of developing fractures.

Bone Fracture vs Break

Bone fracture and break are the same things. Both have the same injuries. A broken bone is commonly known as a fracture in medical terms. Your doctor will give you treatment for fracture after he/she diagnoses your broken bone.

Bone Fracture vs Bone Bruise

In bone fracture mainly the trabeculae region of the bone is broken whereas in bone bruises are painful due to injuries that happened when bone strikes with much pressure to any hard surface.

Open vs Closed Fractures

An open fracture is also known as a compound fracture where the bone stabs under the skin and is visible to the eyes. Usually, there is much bleeding happens during open fractures.
Whereas in closed fractures which are also known as simple fractures, bleeding is not compulsory to appear but the bone is fractured and can be diagnosed by X-rays, MRI, or CT scan. there is no visible intact bone present in closed fractures.

Displaced vs Non-Displaced Fractures

In displaced fractures, your bone pieces move in another direction and make a small gap which is tough to treat whereas in non-displaced fractures your bone may either crack or pieces may not move to other directions by the impact of stress and strain but fracture is still present in the bone.

Symptoms of Fracture

It depends on its site, a person’s age, gender, the severity of the injury, and overall health of a person.

Nonetheless, people with bone fractures will experience symptoms that include.




Lump in the affected area at a unique angle.

Long Injured skin around the affected area.

Ineptitude to push and move the affected area.

Incapacity to put weight on the injured region

Continuous bleeding if it is an open fracture

A scratching sensation in the affected bone joint or injured site.

In more harsh cases, an individual may undergo:





How are Bone Fractures Diagnosed?

The most common method to assess a fracture in bone is through X-rays that show clear images of bone and will show whether it is intact or broken.

It will show the type of fracture and its perfect location inside the injured site.

X-Rays generally recommended by doctors after an initial verbal examination about the cause of the pain and immobile ness.

What Tests are done to Diagnose Bone Fractures?

Apart from X-Ray, the tests which are recommended by Best orthopedic doctor in Jaipur are BMD and blood tests.

• BMD Test

Also known as the bone mineral test. This is the most common test recommended by doctors to check the density of bone after the age of 65.

It shows results in the hip, spine,  heel, and wrist and accurately shows results in osteoporosis a condition that develops after 60 years. Here men have a lower risk of osteoporosis as compared to women.

• Blood tests

That includes Your healthcare professional may order blood tests such as:

Thyroid and other hormone levels.

Kidney function tests.

To check Vitamin D levels.

To check Calcium levels.

How are Bone Fractures Treated?

The three main treatment options for bone fractures are:

• Casting

• Open reduction, and Internal fixation-

This involves surgery to restore the fracture immediately, metal rods,  plates, and screws are used to build the bone and remain in a spot, under the skin, after the surgery. This method is recommended for confused fractures and ruptures of bone that are not competent to be reduced by casting, or in cases when the long-term use of a cast is unpleasant.

• Open reduction, and External fixation-

This involves surgery to restore the fracture and the arrangement of an external fixation appliance on the limb where the fracture appeared. This machine is an external shelf that helps the bone and keeps it in the exact position while it is recovering. This method is commonly pertained to complex ruptures that cannot be fixed using open reduction, or internal fixation. The knee replacement surgeon in Jaipur treats the fractures very effectively.

What Medications are used to Treat Bone Fractures?

• Ciprofloxacin

• Oxytetracycline

•  Levofloxacin

• Doxycycline

• Trovafloxacin

• Gentamycin and vancomycin.

• Ofloxacin

• Ciproxacin

• Norfloxacin

These are some of the commonly used compounds usually prescribed by healthcare professionals for bone fractures.

What Questions Should I ask my Doctor?

The questions should include all the information related to the injury in their answers.

• what type of method you will use to treat my fracture?

• How much time my fracture will take to fully recover?

• How serious is my fracture?

• Can I able to work normally after this procedure?

• How long do I have to take the medications or are there any side effects of taking them for longer periods?